DBCA is committed to protecting Western Australia's parks, forests and reserves for wildlife conservation, sustainable recreation, and tourism.
Our officers may issue infringement notices for alleged contraventions of the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984, Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 or Swan and Canning Rivers Management Act 2006.
These laws cover a wide range of issues such as unlawful camping practices, license breaches, unlawful taking of flora and bringing animals into prohibited areas.
Payment for infringement notices issued by DBCA officers must be received with 28 days from the date of issue to avoid further enforcement costs.
Please provide the full infringement number including the letter prefix in the infringement field.
Please provide the full name as printed on the infringement notice, or registration number of vehicle where there is no name.
Alternatively, payment can be made in person at any DBCA office, or via phone on 08 9219 9000 during office hours.